søndag den 23. februar 2014

Today’s Pokémon Cards:





Hello everybody! 
I hope you're doing good. I'm just enjoying the very last of my weekend, until school starts again tomorrow. It's gone by so fast this time - the weekend I mean.. But that's often the case, isn't it?

So, let's get on with it - we have 4 new cards today, 2 of them are the only 2 electric Pokémon we need and the other are 2 darkness Pokémon :D

Let's start off with Pikachu!
This one looks really good. My boyfriend saw it at some point and he was convinced that it must be some kind of special Pikachu (he's not a collector, just thought it looked too special to be a normal card) :P
It has beautiful colours, and it's one of the more slim types of Pikachu. There have been some pretty chubby ones through the years, this is not one of them though! The contrasts in the colours are really good looking, and it just looks so happy and energetic :D Not really like it's performing an attack, more just like showing off :P

Next up it's Raichu!
I don't know why, but there's just something about Pikachu and Raichu. I always like them. I don't think I've seen a single one that I didn't like yet :P The holo on the cards are actually kinda amazing. I didn't know if I liked them in the beginning, but now that I've seen a lot of them in real life, I've come to like them a lot. And the Raichu is no exception! Looking up at the sky, Raichu looks like he's ready to jump away to something, or just about to make the worst storm in several years. You can almost see the clouds forming a whirl in the sky.

The turn has come to Zorua!
Another great looking Pokémon in this set. I love these non-animated drawings for some reason. I've noticed that they're very fond of clouds and the sky in this set ;D It's almost on every single card that I've reviewed to far. Not that it's bad - they have chosen a great blue colour for it, and it just looks amazing. Zorua here also looks like it's about to go to battle. It looks furious (as much as it can), running towards its target, probably to use the attack; Scratch :D The cliffs in the background look amazing too, generally, the details are great on these cards!

Aaaand the last card is Zorua's evolution; Zoroark!
Greeeat looking! It almost looks like the same background that's on the Zorua card, the cliffs are just a little different and they've made them very dark, so it's almost just the silhouette you're able to see. This also makes you notice the Pokémon itself much more than the background, which works great, especially because they've also placed the Pokémon right in the middle of the picture :D You can't help but notice it. And it looks really cool with the gray/white light stribes (or whatever it is) emerging from the Pokémon. 
It could look like Zoruark is jumping up JUST before it's going to attack its opponent!

They've made these Pokémon very active and I think it's a good way to do it, instead of just having a background and a Pokémon chilling on some grass, or something like that :P This makes it much more interesting, especially when otherwise dull Pokémon suddenly seem cool and strong - that's the way to go :D

So I think that's it for today, hope you liked it!

Pokémon Code Card Giveaway!
But wait - there's more! Of course you're getting some code cards today :D

I'm sorry I haven't been uploading any more videos on YouTube yet, but I've been away the whole weekend, I promise I'll upload tomorrow though ;)

So, let's do this.

I choose you: Code Card!




2 for you this time - congratulations to whoever redeem these codes first :D

Cya next time - peace out!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Cool cards, and i still cannot believe how much u can say/type of a card ^^ i see how much u love them ;) i enjoy them aswell, but just dont have that much to tell about them :P
    Anyhow, i got the codes and got some decent pulls, allways nice to get X&Y codes as i dont have many of that set's cards, so new cards added to collection :) Thx for that ;) Peace!

    1. Weee, thanks man!
      In the beginning I was wondering if I even had enough to say to make this work, but I just start and words seem to come out in a big stream, so it must be working :D

      Great! Congrats with that. I'll be uploading another video to YouTube today and I promise that there are code cards in that one as well ;)
      Have a good one!
