mandag den 10. februar 2014

Pokémon Bedtime Stories 
With: Arcanine Studio

HI guys, this is something new I'm doing. Once in a while you get a story from my background, something that has to do with Pokémon of course :) To let you know how things were when I was a kid, and just to be able to tell some great stories about Pokémon related stuff. I love telling stories :3

So.. I once considered selling all of my Pokémon cards.

I don’t know if it’s something we’ve all been through - some sort of mid-collection-crisis or something like that. But there was a time, before I got a job and an income every month, I really wanted a lot of things, and I just couldn’t afford to get them.
So at some point I thought “Why not sell my collection of Pokémon cards? I barely use them anymore..” (this was obviously during my collecting break that lasted a few years).

I went on the internet, on eBay, to check what the cards were worth. I can’t remember at all, how much money I could possibly earn from selling them, but I can say that it was a fair amount!
I even counted them, and wrote on a piece of paper how many Pokémon, trainer and energy cards I had, so if a potential buyer would ask, I had the information.

Not going through with this, is probably one of the best decisions in my entire life. Other collectors would understand why.

I’ve had breaks in my periods of collecting the cards, but most recently, the only breaks I have is when I’ve already spent all the money I have on cards, and just waiting to get more! :P

I would never consider selling them again, not in a million years.
People sometimes tell me “Just wait and see, you probably don’t even want those cards when you get older..” Well maybe I don’t, and maybe I’ll stop collecting - what do I know? I can’t tell the future!

But I’m most certainly NOT going to sell them. I would rather sell my TV, instead of my Pokémon cards. 
They’re from my childhood. They’re memories from the happiest periods of my life, and no way I’m going to sell that..

A couple of years ago I sold a bunch of cards. A guy needed some for a study at his school or something like that, and he was willing to give around $35 for 400 cards. He didn’t care what they were, or how many of them were the same, as long as they had Pokémon on them. THAT I did, because they were all cards I already have, and if I ever wanted to get more, they’re extremely cheap..

Later on, I sometimes wonder, if I should sell some of the rare cards that I have more than 1 of. But then I think, what if something happens to the only version I have then?? So that’s a bad idea as well :) 
I have like 30 Hitmonchan holo’s from Base Set and a LOT of Nidoking and Nidoqueen.. I might consider selling just a few of these - I mean, there is no reason to have 30 of the same card! I doubt 29 of them will be destroyed ;)

So that was a little bedtime story from me, and some thoughts I have now shared with you guys. I hope you like it, I liked writing it! Have a good day/night depending on where you live.

Cya out there!

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