fredag den 21. februar 2014

New Pokémon Video!
Hi all, and happy friday/weekend to all of you - hope you'll be enjoying it :D

I just wanted to drop by and tell you, that I've just finished uploading my newest video to YouTube a little time ago. Don't worry, I won't be writing in here every time I upload a new video, but this is a little special - it's the very first part of the XY base set booster box opening! It's been on its way for far too long, but it finally arrived a couple of days ago, and yesterday I got to open it - and it. Was. AWESOME! :D

And since that's what everybody wants to see these days, I thought I would give you guys a heads up as well :)

Anyway, check out the video if you like. I'm giving away code cards for every time I pull an ultra rare in these videos, so be sure to check it out if you're a code card collector!

I promise I will soon upload another review including some codes for you guys, I just don't know if I can do it before Sunday ;)

Have a good time out there! Cya.

Link to YouTube video:

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