søndag den 23. februar 2014

Today’s Pokémon Cards:





Hello everybody! 
I hope you're doing good. I'm just enjoying the very last of my weekend, until school starts again tomorrow. It's gone by so fast this time - the weekend I mean.. But that's often the case, isn't it?

So, let's get on with it - we have 4 new cards today, 2 of them are the only 2 electric Pokémon we need and the other are 2 darkness Pokémon :D

Let's start off with Pikachu!
This one looks really good. My boyfriend saw it at some point and he was convinced that it must be some kind of special Pikachu (he's not a collector, just thought it looked too special to be a normal card) :P
It has beautiful colours, and it's one of the more slim types of Pikachu. There have been some pretty chubby ones through the years, this is not one of them though! The contrasts in the colours are really good looking, and it just looks so happy and energetic :D Not really like it's performing an attack, more just like showing off :P

Next up it's Raichu!
I don't know why, but there's just something about Pikachu and Raichu. I always like them. I don't think I've seen a single one that I didn't like yet :P The holo on the cards are actually kinda amazing. I didn't know if I liked them in the beginning, but now that I've seen a lot of them in real life, I've come to like them a lot. And the Raichu is no exception! Looking up at the sky, Raichu looks like he's ready to jump away to something, or just about to make the worst storm in several years. You can almost see the clouds forming a whirl in the sky.

The turn has come to Zorua!
Another great looking Pokémon in this set. I love these non-animated drawings for some reason. I've noticed that they're very fond of clouds and the sky in this set ;D It's almost on every single card that I've reviewed to far. Not that it's bad - they have chosen a great blue colour for it, and it just looks amazing. Zorua here also looks like it's about to go to battle. It looks furious (as much as it can), running towards its target, probably to use the attack; Scratch :D The cliffs in the background look amazing too, generally, the details are great on these cards!

Aaaand the last card is Zorua's evolution; Zoroark!
Greeeat looking! It almost looks like the same background that's on the Zorua card, the cliffs are just a little different and they've made them very dark, so it's almost just the silhouette you're able to see. This also makes you notice the Pokémon itself much more than the background, which works great, especially because they've also placed the Pokémon right in the middle of the picture :D You can't help but notice it. And it looks really cool with the gray/white light stribes (or whatever it is) emerging from the Pokémon. 
It could look like Zoruark is jumping up JUST before it's going to attack its opponent!

They've made these Pokémon very active and I think it's a good way to do it, instead of just having a background and a Pokémon chilling on some grass, or something like that :P This makes it much more interesting, especially when otherwise dull Pokémon suddenly seem cool and strong - that's the way to go :D

So I think that's it for today, hope you liked it!

Pokémon Code Card Giveaway!
But wait - there's more! Of course you're getting some code cards today :D

I'm sorry I haven't been uploading any more videos on YouTube yet, but I've been away the whole weekend, I promise I'll upload tomorrow though ;)

So, let's do this.

I choose you: Code Card!




2 for you this time - congratulations to whoever redeem these codes first :D

Cya next time - peace out!

fredag den 21. februar 2014

New Pokémon Video!
Hi all, and happy friday/weekend to all of you - hope you'll be enjoying it :D

I just wanted to drop by and tell you, that I've just finished uploading my newest video to YouTube a little time ago. Don't worry, I won't be writing in here every time I upload a new video, but this is a little special - it's the very first part of the XY base set booster box opening! It's been on its way for far too long, but it finally arrived a couple of days ago, and yesterday I got to open it - and it. Was. AWESOME! :D

And since that's what everybody wants to see these days, I thought I would give you guys a heads up as well :)

Anyway, check out the video if you like. I'm giving away code cards for every time I pull an ultra rare in these videos, so be sure to check it out if you're a code card collector!

I promise I will soon upload another review including some codes for you guys, I just don't know if I can do it before Sunday ;)

Have a good time out there! Cya.

Link to YouTube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxKCqDS0qsw

mandag den 17. februar 2014

Today’s Pokémon Cards:

  Emolga EX        Emolga EX (full art)

    Voltorb               Electrode

¡Hola a todos!
Hi all!

I can see that a lot of my viewers are from Brazil and Argentina, and since I'm studying Spanish at the university, why not start by saying hello in Spanish? ;) 

So this is probably what it's going to look like in the future - with different cards each time of course :D
I hope you're going to like it, I think it'll make my blogging much more interesting and easier for me as well. And from now on, I will not be focusing so much on how to use the Pokémon in battle, only its appearance, and possibly a few other things too. 

So let's start!

So, all of these Pokémon are lightning type, so I just think we should start with Emolga EX:
I like the looks of the card a lot! Normally, Emolga is a very sweet looking Pokémon, but since this is an EX and it looks like its going to battle, it has a very angry and competitive look on its face. I like that they still kept a pink background though! They haven't taken away all the cuteness just yet :D There isn't much background on this card though, it looks like Emolga is about to jump out of the card, and just leave an empty pink spot behind.
Another thing about these ultra rares that I like, is that you're able to see them in a pack if you only get a small look at the side of the card - then you get all excited to see what's there!

They've come a long way since the first EX cards they made, and of course, since this is an electric Pokémon, there's lightning all over the card, which gives it an awesome look!

And then let's move on to Emolga EX full art:
A very cool card as well as the last one. The Pokémon has almost the same look on its face, and they've still kept the pink background for it!
There is some more background on this card, since it's full art - so it should make sense when I say that there's more space to do the artwork ;) I like how it almost looks like it has a haircut, with the 2 black triangles going down its forehead, and it looks like it's JUST about to do an attack of some sorts, maybe the Electron Crush!

I don't know if they've stopped this in the X&Y set, but the full art cards in Black and White has these lines across the cards in different patterns, that you could feel when you touched the card. I really like this because it feels great when you're opening a pack and doing the card trick, and then suddenly you feel these lines! It's almost like your heart stops for a small while :P And it just gives the cards an awesome look as well!

Then on to the Voltorb:
Now here's a card we know way back from the very first generation of Pokémon! I always get a little happy when I see these cards :) Though I must say that this Voltorb looks extremely dull! It looks like a turtle that's landed on its back and can't get up again :P I mean look at its eyes! It looks kinda derped - it's a Derpémon!
The artwork is very simple.. The background looks like something they would have made back in 1999 when Base Set came out. There are no amazing contrasts in the colour, it's not in the middle of an attack, it's just rolling around on the ground! Let's begin to move on towards the last Pokémon, I think it's better :D

So the last one is Electrode! Let's do it!
This one looks very awesome on the other hand! The colours are quite outstanding, that red one just looks great and gives a very good contrast to the rest of the card. If you look at the details in the background, the clouds and the trees, it looks much more detailed and with much more beautiful colours than the background on the Voltorb card - even though these are from the same set. It almost look like they could be at the same place. The yellow/brown field thing is there on both cards, but the trees are far away on the Voltorb one though :)

Electrode is just in the middle of an attack, there is lightning all around it and the look on its face is almost trying to say how much it's looking forward to knocking out its opponent! It doesn't look like a Pokémon you should be messing with :D

So that's about it, I don't really think I have much more to say, but still, I've written pretty much - BUT now I have 4 cards at a time, instead of just one :) This also makes it possible for me to actually get through with this set until the next one comes out this May!

Pokémon Code Card Giveaway!
Since it's been a while, I'm going to be quite generous and give you guys FOUR CODE CARDS! One for each card I've "reviewed" today :D

I choose you: Code Card!





There you have it! Congrats to the first(s) to redeem these codes. In the future I think I will upload one code when I make the review, and then the rest during the day, so different people get the chance to get one :) What do you guys think?

BTW - all 4 videos of the Plasma Storm booster box opening is now available on YouTube, so go and check that out, I'm giving away codes in my videos on there as well as on my Facebook page :D

Take care until next time - peace out!

lørdag den 15. februar 2014

New Visual Feature

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii! :D

Hope you're doing good out there, chilling in the weekend. I am! 

I want to tell you a bit about a few things, but the big subject will be my new background - do you like it?? I really didn't like the ones I've had before, so I decided to finally do somehting about it.
In the beginning I had no idea what to do, but suddenly I had this idea; why not make a new background every time a new set comes out? Starting now with the (still kinda new) X&Y set, and continuing with Flashfire coming out in May. I hope it's something I will be able to do, and I have to say that I'm absolutely in LOVE with my new background.

I made it in Photoshop, but all rights still go to Nintendo of course, since they made the individual logos and what not :)

Moreover, I think I've decided to post something in here a couple of times a week, maybe only once every week. This is because I think the content would be better, if I only focus on posting a couple of times a week, instead of feeling like I should be posting every day..

AND, there's more!! I started this blog a while back as something that would bring me closer to Pokémon cards. When I open packs and put them in binders, I don't really get a close look at the cards - this was my way to do that, but it isn't exactly what I've achieved ;) I'm focusing waaay too much on the card in action, if you would want to play it - and I don't even play the game! I'm not qualified to tell you what you should or shouldn't do.. Maybe one day, when I start playing the TCG myself, I'll go back to this method, but my idea for now is to post several cards in the same post from now on, and pretty much only talk about the card - very short what it can do, but mostly HOW IT LOOKS. The artwork was what should have been most in focus, but I ended up writing only a few lines about the artwork to each card.. That's just not good enough :)

I hope this is not too confusing, but don't worry, the code card things will still be here! Not in this post though, I'm not home so I don't have any code cards with me :P
So just wait and see, you'll soon know the point of what I've been writing - I'M CONFUSED, so don't worry if you feel a bit off track as well :D

'Til next time - have fun!

onsdag den 12. februar 2014

Poké News!
I've got some great news for you guys! In case you haven't seen it yet, the new Pokémon X&Y set is going to be released on the 7th of May 2014!

The name of this new set is going to be: XY Flashfire, which I think is an awesome name :D

Of course I have some pictures for you as well..

This is pretty much how the logo is going to look. Very much in style with the X&Y on the market right now, so that's looking great :)

This is a bit more exciting though! This is how the booster packs are going to look, and just by looking at them, it almost tickles a bit in my stomach!

So, from left to right: Mega Kangaskhan, Mega Charizard X, Mega Charizard Y, and Pyroar as the last one.
I'm SO excited that they decided to bring Kangaskhan back in the game again, and as a Mega evolution this time, that is just way too awesome :D

The theme decks are going to feature Meowstic and Heliolisk, I have no picture of these unfortunately..

This new set will contain over 100 new Pokémon cards, 5 new EX's and 3 new Mega Evolutions (the two Charizard's and the Kangaskhan)

So you can already now, begin to get ready for this amazing release on the 7th of May. Hope you enjoyed my "little" news post here, and I think it calls for a few code cards, so here are 2 for ya'! :D

I choose you! Code cards:




Congratulations to the one/those who got the online TCG codes, hope you can use them!
Have fun until next time :D

mandag den 10. februar 2014

Today's Pokémon Card:
X&Y - Bidoof

“With nerves of steel, nothing can perturb it. 
It is more agile and active than it appears.”

Total Overview:
Behold the great Bidoof! Or, well.. Not really THAT great..

Let’s get to it!

Bidoof is a normal type Pokémon with 60HP and only one attack. The attack is called Hyper Fang, also commonly known among Raticates through the years :) It requires 2 energy cards of your very own choice, also known as colorless energy cards, and it does 40 damage IF you’re lucky - you have to flip a coin if you use this attack, and if the coin tails then the attack does absolutely NOTHING AT ALL. And since it’s the only attack Bidoof has - good luck on that 50/50 coin flip!
The Pokémon has no resistance to other types, but it is weak x2 to fighting Pokémon. So if Bidoof is up against Rhyhorn, and Rhyhorn deals 40 damage with its Horn Drill attack, you have to double the amount of damage, so that Bidoof gets 80 damage, and then there isn’t much Bidoof left afterwards is there? ;)
If you want to retreat the Pokémon it will cost you 3 precious energy cards, which is a lot in my opinion, taken in consideration that this is just a common card..

It’s a basic Pokémon though, so if you want to play it you don’t have to worry about having any other cards in play, before you can safely set Bidoof as your active Pokémon :D

Personal Opinion:
Well, this Pokémon seems pretty average, when you look at other common cards from the X&Y set. It has a very good amount of health, only 1 attack which is quite normal for the rest of the gang as well. BUT, you run a 50/50 risk that the only attack Bidoof has, will do nothing whatsoever.. That IS a pretty high risk. BUT, if we look a little closer, we can see that Bidoof’s evolution; Bibarel is in the set as well. So if you can manage to evolve it into Bibarel, then your odds are a lot better than if you use Bidoof alone. You just have to remember that Bibarel is a rare card, and you just can’t be sure that you will draw it from your deck in play, even if you have 2 or 3 in the same deck. 
So for this Pokémon, I think it should have:

It’s a pretty average card this Bidoof. The attack is a bit vague, but other than that the Pokémon has a good amount of HP and the possibility of evolution, so it could turn out to be really great, just not alone ;)

A bit about the artwork:
I actually like this card. Well, not the Pokémon as much as the background to be honest! I mean, it looks incredibly sweet, it even looks happy! It’s sort of reaching out for something, or at least it looks like that.
But the background with a small stream, lots of rocks and flowers with all different colours. That’s awesome! And in the back, there is sunlight which just makes the card so bright and cheerful!
If you look closely, you can see the same little lines with shiny stars/bubbles that are on the Mr. Mime card I just reviewed yesterday! I think that’s really cool :)

Next Card Review:
Next time I will do 2 cards at the same time! I will do both Emolga EX and Emolga EX full art (both from X&Y), because the only difference between them is the artwork, so I think it’s easier this way. I should have done the same with the Blastoise and Venusaur, but I totally forgot :P

Pokémon Code Card Giveaway!
Remember to check out my channel on YouTube and my Facebook, where I will also be giving away codes, and hopefully other great stuff in the future!

I have no codes for you today I'm afraid, but that means that tomorrow I will give you TWO online codes! Hope you'll look forward to that :)

‘Til next time :D

Pokémon Bedtime Stories 
With: Arcanine Studio

HI guys, this is something new I'm doing. Once in a while you get a story from my background, something that has to do with Pokémon of course :) To let you know how things were when I was a kid, and just to be able to tell some great stories about Pokémon related stuff. I love telling stories :3

So.. I once considered selling all of my Pokémon cards.

I don’t know if it’s something we’ve all been through - some sort of mid-collection-crisis or something like that. But there was a time, before I got a job and an income every month, I really wanted a lot of things, and I just couldn’t afford to get them.
So at some point I thought “Why not sell my collection of Pokémon cards? I barely use them anymore..” (this was obviously during my collecting break that lasted a few years).

I went on the internet, on eBay, to check what the cards were worth. I can’t remember at all, how much money I could possibly earn from selling them, but I can say that it was a fair amount!
I even counted them, and wrote on a piece of paper how many Pokémon, trainer and energy cards I had, so if a potential buyer would ask, I had the information.

Not going through with this, is probably one of the best decisions in my entire life. Other collectors would understand why.

I’ve had breaks in my periods of collecting the cards, but most recently, the only breaks I have is when I’ve already spent all the money I have on cards, and just waiting to get more! :P

I would never consider selling them again, not in a million years.
People sometimes tell me “Just wait and see, you probably don’t even want those cards when you get older..” Well maybe I don’t, and maybe I’ll stop collecting - what do I know? I can’t tell the future!

But I’m most certainly NOT going to sell them. I would rather sell my TV, instead of my Pokémon cards. 
They’re from my childhood. They’re memories from the happiest periods of my life, and no way I’m going to sell that..

A couple of years ago I sold a bunch of cards. A guy needed some for a study at his school or something like that, and he was willing to give around $35 for 400 cards. He didn’t care what they were, or how many of them were the same, as long as they had Pokémon on them. THAT I did, because they were all cards I already have, and if I ever wanted to get more, they’re extremely cheap..

Later on, I sometimes wonder, if I should sell some of the rare cards that I have more than 1 of. But then I think, what if something happens to the only version I have then?? So that’s a bad idea as well :) 
I have like 30 Hitmonchan holo’s from Base Set and a LOT of Nidoking and Nidoqueen.. I might consider selling just a few of these - I mean, there is no reason to have 30 of the same card! I doubt 29 of them will be destroyed ;)

So that was a little bedtime story from me, and some thoughts I have now shared with you guys. I hope you like it, I liked writing it! Have a good day/night depending on where you live.

Cya out there!

søndag den 9. februar 2014

Today's Pokémon Card:
X&Y - Mr. Mime

“Emanations from its fingertips solidify the air into 
invisible walls that repel even harsh attacks.”

Total Overview:
Hey dudes and dudettes out there! Hope you’re all doing well and are ready for today’s review :D

This time I’ve chosen this Mr. Mime from the X&Y set, and since this is what everybody wants right now, I think I’m going to continue reviewing X&Y Pokémon, until there are no more, or until it gets boring :P

So.. Mr. Mime has 80HP and is actually the first fairy type Pokémon I’ve reviewed.

It has 2 attacks, the first one is called Massage and it requires 1 fairy energy card and 1 colorless energy card to use. It doesn’t deal any damage, but it heals 60 damage from one of your benched Pokémon! So that’s actually a pretty cool “attack”.
The other one is called Slap Down and requires 1 fairy energy and 2 colorless ones. It deals 40+ damage, AND 20 more for each heads you get, when you flip a coin. You have 2 coins to flip in this attack :)

I think this is probably the first Pokémon I’ve reviewed that has a resistance! So that’s awesome.. It’s -20 resistant to dark Pokémon, which means that if a Sandile deals 50 damage to Mr. Mime, you can remove 20 damage, so it only deals 30.
It’s weak x2 to metal type Pokémon, so if a Skarmory deals 30 damage to Mr. Mime you have to double it up, which makes it 60 damage in total.

If you wish to retreat Mr. Mime it will cost you 2 energy cards of your very own choice! Oh boy! ;)

Mr. Mime is a basic Pokémon, so you don’t have to worry about having any other Pokémon in play, before you can have Mr. Mime as your active Pokémon. 

Personal Opinion:
So, looking at other uncommon Pokémon cards in this X&Y sets and, well, taking a lot of them in consideration, Mr. Mime seems to be very average. It has a very fair amount of HP, it has an opportunity to heal one of your benched Pokémon, but that way, Mr. Mime of course cannot attack the opponent in that round, AND it requires that you have a Pokémon on your bench, that has been in combat and has been wounded and retreated ;) The other attack is pretty average though, so I think the amount of Poké Balls Mr. Mime will get, is:
Yeah, I think I’ve explained pretty well already, why I’ve chosen to give it 3 Poké Balls :) Maybe it could have gotten 4 instead, but it actually is pretty average taken the rest of the set in consideration.. So if you want, we can give it 3 1/2 Poké Balls instead :D

A bit about the artwork:
Well, there is a reason I chose this card.
I haven’t really been that crazy about Mr. Mime at all, I always thought he looked scary as sh*t and mostly just hated the artwork. This is the first exception I’ve ever seen!
I can’t even describe how much I love this card, and it’s definitely one of my favourites in this set. First and foremost, I like the colour of the fairy type Pokémon, they could have made it like a really gross pink colour, but this is very tolerable and makes the cards look amazing.
But the way the Mr. Mime just sits there, in this magic forest, is amazing.. The colours in the artwork are beautiful, and you can almost imagine that Mr. Mime is sitting in his own little imaginary world, surrounded be trees, and little shiny star-things. He just looks so happy and calm and peaceful - is that too much? :P
I guess you get the point, I really like the artwork on this card :) 

Next Card Review:
As I said in the beginning, I’m just going to keep on doing these X&Y Pokémon, so next time give it up for Bidoof!

Pokémon Code Card Giveaway!
This is indeed fun times - and remember to check out my Facebook AND my YouTube channel. I’m opening up packs and doing lots of Pokémon stuff here, and sometimes even handling out online TCG code cards like I do here!

I choose you: Code Card!


Have a good one :)

lørdag den 8. februar 2014

Today's Pokémon Card:

X&Y - Venusaur EX (Full Art)

Total Overview:

Good morning/day/evening to you wonderful human beings out there :)

I would like to start by saying THANK YOU for the 700+ views here on my blog! That really warms my heart, and I hope that the ones reading my blog like it, and if you have any ideas for changes you're so much welcome to write to me with your suggestion :)

I promised I would do this one as well, so I thought that I'd better do that now, while my new Plasma Storm booster box video is uploading to YouTube!

Let's just get to it then.

Last time I did Blastoise EX full art, so now it's Venusaur.

This Pokémon has 180 HP which is excactly the same amount as Blastoise ;)
It has 2 attacks, the first one is called Poison Powder, and it requires one grass energy and 2 energy cards of your own choice. It deals 60 damage, and furthermore, your opponent's Pokémon is now poisoned! (I think it's therefore it's called Poison Powder) ;)
The second attack is called Jungle Hammer and requires 4 energy cards in total. 2 grass and 2 colorless. It deals a staggering amount of 90 damage to your opponent! But that's not all, it also HEALS your Venusaur by 30, and you don't even have to discard a single energy card, flip a coin, or anything like that! I mean, that's just plain crazy!

Venusaur has no resistance, and it's weak to fire x2. So if a fire type Pokémon deals 40 damage to Venusaur, you have to double up, which makes it 80 damage to Venusaur in total.
If you want to retreat Venusaur EX full art it will cost you 4 colorless energy cards, so.. Yeah.. Don't do that :)

Remember, that whenever you want to play an EX, if your opponent knocks out your Pokémon, he/she can have 2 prize cards instead of just 1. It's just worth considering..

Yup, also one more thing.. This Venusaur and the normal EX card have exactly the same amount of HP, the same attacks and everything, so you don't really have to play the full art, it wouldn't really make sense when the original EX has the exactly same opportunities in every way :P Well of course you can choose to play the full art instead of the regular EX, but that's your own choice.

Seeing Venusaur EX full art next to the Blastoise one, is really weird.. Blastoise's first attack deals 30 damage and then you HAVE to switch with a benched Pokémon. The other attack deals 120 damage, but when you use this attack you run a 50/50 risk of dealing 30 damage to yourself.
Venusaur's first attack deals 60 damage and then your opponent's Pokémon is also poisoned. The other attack deals 90 (not as much as Blastoise's 120 damage, I know), and here you don't run any risk - on the contrary your Venusaur actually heals itself by 30 HP when using this attack!

Is it just me or is there something here that isn't quite right?

Personal Opinion:

I can't really find anything bad to say about this card at all! It has a huge amount of HP, it has 2 attacks which requires the amount of energy cards that you can expect from this type of card (EX/EX full art). The attacks deal great damage, and one of them allows you to poison your opponent's Pokémon, and the other you can use to heal yourself with! So it's just insane!

I'll just get to it:
So, I simply have to give this card the highest possible score! There are only 2 other cards in this race of being the best from X&Y, and that's the mega evolutions of Blastoise and Venusaur. The only reason why this doesn't get 5/6 and the other two 6/6 is because the mega evolutions are actually stage 1 Pokémon, so you need the EX in play first, and they "only" have 1 attack to use. So considering that this Venusaur EX full art is a basic Pokémon, and probably the best EX card of the entire X&Y set, this has to get the highest amount of Poké Balls possible :D

A bit about the artwork:
What I really like about these full art cards (I forgot to mention this when reviewing Blastoise), is that you can actually feel them when opening a pack, if you do the card trick before looking through the cards.
I just did that today when opening a Deoxys EX tin, I could feel the stripes down the card and just knew something amazing was there. That feeling was incredible! It turned out to be a Lugia EX full art, so I was out of my mind with happiness for a long moment there!

I must admit though, that this Venusaur could have looked way better than it does on this card. You're just looking right up at its chin, which makes it look fatter than it already seems - to put it out there :P
But that perspective also makes it look much more dominant and powerful, so at some points it actually makes sense. What I really like about the card though, are the colours, I feel that way towards a lot of the X&Y Pokémon, I think Nintendo and the creators, animators have done an incredible job with this set!

Next Card Review:
So next time, I'll be reviewing the Mr. Mime from X&Y as well, just because I love the card and I want to share it with you :)

Pokémon Code Card Giveaway!

THIS TIME, you're gonna get a code card, so here it goes!

I choose you: Code Card!


Have a good time out there :D

tirsdag den 4. februar 2014

Today's Pokémon Card:

X&Y - Blastoise EX (Full Art)

Total Overview:

Hi peeps, hope you're all doing well.
I haven't been posting the last few days because I just started school again and there is suddenly a lot to attend to :) I hope to get your understandings.

SO, tomorrow is the big release date of Pokémon X and Y, and I've already seen some pack openings, have you? I'd love to hear from you, if any of you guys have been attending pre-releases or anything like that. We don't have that here in Denmark, so I just need to wait.. Fortunately I've already ordered a booster box which should be arriving soon!

This Pokémon has 180HP and 2 attacks. The first attack is called Rapid Spin, which costs 2 energy cards of your own choice and does 30 damage to your opponent. Furthermore, when you use this attack you have to replace your active Pokémon with one of your benched. The same goes for your opponent :)

The other attack is much stronger. It requires 3 water type energy cards, but also requires for you to flip a coin and IF that tails, the attack will do 30 damage to the Pokémon itself. 

Blastoise has no resistance to any type of Pokémon - have we even had a Pokémon yet with a resistance to anything!?
It is weak to grass type Pokémon x2, which means that if a grass Pokémon deals 20 damage to Blastoise, you have to double that up to a total of 40. If you wish to retreat the Pokémon, it will cost you 3 colorless energy cards, so it's definitely something you have to consider wisely before doing.

Personal Opinion:

What is great about this Pokémon is of course a few things.. But mostly the fact that Blastoise usually is a stage 2 Pokémon, but not when it's an EX! This means that it's a basic Pokémon, and you don't need to play either Squirtle or Wartortle to be able to have Blastoise EX as your active Pokémon. It has a few limits though.. 
It only has 2 attacks, and in the first one you have to switch out your Pokémon with another, so you have to have some kind of combination maybe with another Pokémon that has a switch ability that you can use during the turn. Besides that, one of the attacks doesn't really do much damage, 30 isn't that good at all.. The other attack deals a huge amount of damage, but you also have a 50/50 risk of dealing 30 damage to Blastoise EX. This is not too bad though, considering that the Pokémon has 180 HP already ;)
And then you have to remember, when playing an EX card, that if your opponent gets to knock it out, he/she wins not only 1, but 2 prize cards.

So, based on these couple of things, I think we will end up at:
It's a little better than some of the other EX's in this set, but not a whole lot better. It has a high amount of HP, but it sucks that you either have to switch your Pokémon after attacking, or you get a high risk to harm yourself :/

A bit about the artwork:
This card is awesome!
I'm a huge fan of the first couple of Pokémon generations, so this really appeals to me. It looks like it's totally ready for battle, and you can almost imagine it jumping out of the card and into your living room! It's simple in many ways, but it just looks really powerful, and has this characteristic "Blastoise colour" all over the card :P
I really hope that this is one of the cards I will be able to pull out of a pack at some point!

Next Card Review:
I think next time, I'll do Venusaur EX full art from X&Y as well! It gives a good view of, where we stand in this set with some of the cards. I'll soon be doing a fairy type as well, so you guys can see what they look like, in case you haven't seem them yet.

Pokémon Code Card Giveaway!

This time, in order to get the code to the code card, you have to visit my facebook page! You can find it in the sidebar here on my blog. Go in there, and there will be a post with a code ;)