søndag den 29. december 2013

Today's Pokémon Card:

B&W Legendary Treasures - Zekrom (Secret Rare)

“This Pokémon appears in legends. In its tail, is has a 
giant generator that creates electricity.”

Total Overview:

What’s up you beautiful people!?
This is the first review I’ve done of an ultra rare card, and it’s even a secret rare card, which is very much awesome! First off you can see if a card is a secret rare card, if the first number in the bottom right corner is bigger than the one on the other side of the /. This Zekrom says no. 115/113, which means there are only 113 cards in this set, so this card (along with another one) are secret rare cards, because they go outside of the number. Or something like that anyway!

Well let’s get started:
It’s a lightning type Pokémon with 130 HP and it has 2 different attacks. The first attack is named Outrage and costs 2 colorless energy cards to use. It does 20 damage + 10 for each damage counter on the Pokémon. This means that if Zekrom has taken damage, let’s say there are 2 damage counters on it, it deals 20 + 10 + 10, thereby 40 damage to your opponent’s Pokémon.
The second attack is Bolt Strike which requires 2 lightning type energy cards and 1 colorless energy card. It deals 120 damage to your opponent’s Pokémon, but also does 40 damage to itself. 

It has no resistance to any type of Pokémon, but has 2x weakness to fighting type Pokémon. If you wish to retreat in a match, it will cost 2 colorless energy cards. 
It’s a Basic Pokémon, so you can basically (haha, get it?? Basically!?) play it immediately, when you get it.

Personal Opinion:

I’ve had some doubts, rating this card.. I’d give it 3 or 4 out of 5. In my opinion these secret rare cards should be able to deal a whole lot of damage, and this card IS able to do that, BUT it also hurts itself using its strongest attack, and it only deals 20 damage to the opponent if its not already hurt. Furthermore, 130 HP is just not good enough for a Pokémon that deals itself 40 damage when using its strongest attack. There are other ultra rare cards and even just rare cards and stage 2 Pokémon in this set, that I would prefer to play with, over this card. 
But please remember that, when I rate these cards I compare them to other cards in the same set, because it wouldn’t be fair to compare a card from Black & White to a card from Base Set. 

A bit about the artwork:
Need I say that the card is absolutely gorgeous!? 
I LOVE the artwork, I generally really like full art cards, I think it’s a brilliant idea and it looks great. Unfortunately I don’t have this card myself just yet, but you can see on the pattern that the surface must feel different than other cards.

Next Card Review:
Next time I’ve chosen to review Arcanine from the Heartgold Soulsilver set. Arcanine is one of my favourite Pokémon, in case you shouldn’t have noticed that already ;) So of course I’m looking forward to reviewing this Pokémon! Though I think that I need to get some sort of order in these reviews, or else I’m afraid I’m going to forget which cards I’ve already reviewed :P

Pokémon Code Card Giveaway!

And here we are yet again! One of the best parts of this blog, because I get to give something away to one of you lucky guys :D Let’s do it!

I choose you: Code Card!


Congratulations to the lucky number one! Hope it's a good pack :D
Now go and check that YouTube channel, I command you! No, seriously, you should do it - I'm opening a booster box really soon, and you should have the opportunity to watch it :)

lørdag den 28. december 2013

Today's Pokémon Card:

B&W Plasma Storm - Magnezone

“Sometimes the magnetism emitted by Magnezone is too strong, 
making them attack each other so they cannot move.”

Total Overview:

So I finally got myself together to do another review of a Pokémon card! It took me a long time, for some unknown reason.. But here it is, along with another code, which I have quite a few of by now! :D
But first a few things about the card!
It's another card from the Black & White Plasma Storm set, because I really love this set, AND I'm actually getting a booster box very soon from this set, which I'm looking incredibly much forward to. In these Plasma XX sets, there are these Team Plasma cards, with blue borders and a sort of shield in the middle of the card. It's something speciel for these couple of sets. It's a stage 2 Pokémon, which means it's an evolution of 2 previous Pokémon. The first in this chain would be Magnemite, followed by Magneton, and then Magnezone is the last one.
I guess you can get it both in holo edition and normal edition, and furthermore I think you can get a reverse holo edition of the card. This Magnezone (along with pretty much anyone else from other sets) is a rare Pokémon, which can be known by looking in the bottom right corner at the little black star.
It's a lightning type Pokémon, which has 140 HP and only 1 attack and then 1 ability aswell. The ability, which is called Dual Brains, grants you the permition to play 2 supporter cards during your turn in the game instead of just one. An ability that may come in handy.
The regular attack is called Gyro Ball and requires 2 lightning energy cards and one colorless type energy card (any energy card of your choice). It deals 80 Damage Points, but it also requires you to switch your attacking Pokémon with one of your benched Pokémon - your opponent also switches their defending Pokémon with a benched Pokémon. 

Magnezone has no resistance to any Pokémon types at all, but it's weak to fighting type Pokémon. If you wish to retreat your Pokémon it will cost you 3 colorless type energy cards, so it's something that should be carefully considered before doing so. 

It seems like a very strong stage 2 Pokémon with a lot of health so it's able to take some beating. It's also a Pokémon with only one attack, and that attack requires you to switch your Pokémon, so you will never be able to play this card for a very long period of time (given that you don't have a lot of Switch Trainer cards on your hand).

Personal Opinion:

I believe I'm going to rate this Pokémon 3/5, because even though it has a lot of health and its attack deals quite a bit of damage, it's just not quite enough compared to other stage 2 Pokémon, and you have to put the Pokémon back on the bench after only 1 attack. The rating of course, is compared to other Pokémon in the same set, it wouldn't be quite fair to blend all the 55+ sets together :)

A bit about the artwork:
This is a Pokémon that screams out "POWER". It almost has a 3D effect of getting out of the card, and there are blue lightning around the Pokémon. I like the holographic patterns of the Black & White set, it's simple, but definitely notable. Furthermore I'm a sucker for the Team Plasma Cards, I really like how they look and just the look of this card for example, almost resembles an ultra rare card, even though it's "just" a rare, holographic card.

Next Card Review:
Next time I'll be reviewing the first ultra rare card I've done so far! It's the secret rare Zekrom from the Legendary Treasures set, the newest one until X & Y gets out in a couple of months. Oh I'm looking forward to this, it's certainly one of my favourite sets so far! :)

Pokémon Code Card Giveaway!

And now for the best part of the review, the part where I get to give a little something to one of you wonderful people out there, taking the time to read my blog (or just look directly for the giveaway and not giving a sh*t about the blog itself ;D - You are very much welcome to do just that).

I choose you: Code Card!


Congratulations to the lucky number one, hope you'll all follow me next time I post something! I promist it will be very soon, hopefully already tomorrow :)

In the meantime, you should really check out that YouTube channel of mine, it's going to be great :D