Hello everybody! As you can tell, we’re in Yveltal mode today, which means that the 3 Pokémon we have here, are the 3 versions of Yveltal in the XY expansion!
I promised you last time that I would bring something a little more interesting, so here they are :D I’m ready when you are, and since I have no idea when that is, I’m just gonna go ahead and start already!
And the first Pokémon of today, is the regular Yveltal.
It’s a great looking card, and since I’m not a big fan of a lot of the other Darkness type cards in this set, Yveltal is definitely my favourite! I like the red-pinkish colours on the dark background. Is has no really background, well nothing that you can see anyway. It’s just red/blue/green/dark flashes and stripes across the card, as if Yveltal is in a match and has just fired off a great attack! Possibly either Oblivion Wing or Darkness Blade, which are the 2 attacks this Pokémon has :)
The only negative I have to say about this, is that you can only get it in regular or reverse holo - there is no holo version, unless you buy the deck where it’s in, that’s the only way you can get it in that ‘form’.. Which sucks, because it looks GREAT in holo, and I would love to have the opportunity to pull one from a pack :)
The next one is - oh my! - It’s an YVELTAL! This time it’s just the EX version :D
The artwork on this card looks awesome, huge, and dangerous! It looks like a mixture of some sort of lizard-dragon kinda thing with weird/scary/beautiful colours. My mind can’t exactly decide how to feel about this Pokémon :P
It’s just about to jump out through the card and do some crazy attack to wipe out the opponent, or you when you’re sitting with the card! So watch out! As you can see, the 2 attacks this one has, are different from the regular Yveltal :) The attacks are actually weaker, which doesn’t quite makes sense, but on the other hand it has a little more HP. And again on this card you have these incredibly good-looking stripes of different colours, but you also can also see something that looks like stardust and small glittering stars - I have no idea what it is though ;) But it makes the card look great.
And the very last card I would like to introduce for you today, is another Yveltal! The full art one.
It’s done in a very different style than the others, but I quite like it. I like the sort of blue stars around it, and the purple-ish background goes perfect with the red/grey/black Pokémon. It definitely works! It doesn’t really bring out the same ready-to-battle style that the other 2 have, but something animated and yet with outstanding borders and very thick edges. It doesn’t look as smooth as the other 2, if that makes any sense :P
So, I think that’s it! I can’t really find any more to say, and why push it then ;) I’m looking forward to next time, as I will be doing Xerneas then :D
Pokémon Code Card Giveaway!
And sure you’re getting some codes as well this time :D I’m starting to have quite a few of them, and I like that I’m able to just give them away to you guys. I really hope you enjoy it :)
I choose you: Code Card!
Congratulations to those/the one who got the codes, I hope they’re useful and that you got something amazing!
Remember to check out my channel on YouTube and my Facebook page, interesting stuff is happening both places :D
‘Til next time! Ciao!