Today's Pokémon Card:
HeartGold SoulSilver - Arcanine
“This legendary Chinese Pokémon is considered magnificent.
Many people are enchanted by its grand mane.”
Total Overview:
Here we are again, it's time for another Pokémon card review!
I'd really like to know if there really ARE any people reading my blog? Not that you have to, but if there are, I would like to know if I should try to make my reviews shorter? I mean, is there too much to read? Sometimes I feel like I could just go on and on, and before I know it, I've almost written a whole novel :P So please, if anyone would be so kind to let me know if I should cut it down a bit :)
Let's do this:
Arcanine is a fire type Pokémon with 110 HP and 2 different attacks. The first attack is called Sharp Fang and it requires 1 fire energy card and 1 colorless energy card. It deals 50 damage to your opponent. The second attack it called Fire Mane and it requires 1 fire energy and 3 colorless energy cards. This deals an amount of 90 damage to your opponent!
It has no resistance to any type of Pokémon, and it has 2x weakness to water type Pokémon. If you want to retreat Arcanine in a battle, it will cost you 2 colorless energy cards.
It's a stage 1 Pokémon, and the basic Pokémon in this chain would be Growlithe - this means that if you want to play Arcanine, you need to have Growlithe as your active Pokémon already.
Personal Opinion:
I haven't really had much doubt about this at all, this is definitely a 5/5 Pokémon in my opinion! Considering that it is a stage 1 Pokémon, it has a very fair amount of HP, it's attack hardly need any fire energy cards, which means that you can save them for a Pokémon that needs them. Furthermore, the attacks deal 50 or 90 damage, and you only need 2 energy cards in order to use the attack that deals 50 damage.
If retreated it only costs 2 energy cards, which is a fair price I think. What I REALLY like about this Pokémon's attacks, it's that there are no conditions, nothing you need to take into consideration. You don't have to throw any energy cards in the discard pile and there is no risk of hitting yourself, or anything like that.
Thus this card really diserves 5 gold stars, or pokéballs or whatever :D
I will once again remind everybody that when I rate these Pokémon cards, I compare them to other Pokémon in the same set. It's only fair that way :)
A bit about the artwork:
Well well, if you look at my name just once more, I shouldn't need to say that I really like ALL Arcanines so far, and this is no exception! :) It looks like it's just evolved or something like that, it's as strong as ever. It's sitting on a rock with lots of flames around it and what seems to be a firestone in front of it, I really like that detail :D It looks like a very powerful Pokémon, but still there is something puppy-like about the look it has on its face, like it needs to get used to being Arcanine instead of Growlithe the toddler :P
Next Card Review:
I think I've sorted out my problem of keeping track on the Pokémon I've already reviewed. I want to be able to review Pokémon from different sets when I feel like it. I don't want to commit myself into doing reviews of all 135 Pokémon in one set, before I can move on :)
So therefore I've chosen to make a document, and just put a little sign by te Pokémon I've reviewed.. Maybe it's a long process, but it's my best idea right now. Please give suggestions if you have any!
SO! Next time it's going to be Nidoran male from the Platinum: Rising Rivals set.
Pokémon Code Card Giveaway!
Let's just jump right into it, I love this part :D
I choose you: Code Card!
Congratulations to whoever got the online Plasma Freeze code card!
And before you go, please check out my channel on YouTube. I know there are not many videos there just yet, but they will be there soon, I promise! :)