Today's Pokémon Card:
B&W Plasma Storm - Cubchoo
"Their snot is a barometer of health. When healthy, their snot
is sticky and the power of their ice moves increases."
Total Overview:
Okay, so here is a Pokémon I don't know much about, but I will tell you what I do know.
Cubchoo is a water type Pokémon from the B&W Plasma Storm set. It is a basic Pokémon, and I don't know if it has any evolutions, if you want to know, you can look it up (google is always your friend). Cubchoo has a total HP of 70 and it has 2 different attacks and no abilities. The first attack is Hail, which requires 1 water type energy. This is actually a pretty good attack considering it only requires 1 single energy, you flip a coin and if heads the attack does 10 damage, not only to your opponent's active Pokémon, but to all your opponent's Pokémon, both active and benched.
The other attack is called Icy Snow, it requires 3 colorless energy cards and deals an amount of 30 damage.
Cubchoo's weakness is metal type Pokémon, and attacks from this type of Pokémon would cause double damage to Cubchoo. It has no resistance and if you wish to retreat Cubchoo it costs 2 colorless energy cards. The rarity of this Pokémon is common. The little black circle in the bottom right corner tells us that!
As far as I know, this is a pretty good basic Pokémon compared to others from the same set, it has a high amount of HP, and though its attacks may seem a bit weak, I wouldn't have too many doubts putting this Pokémon in a deck.
Personal Opinion:
I'm going to rate this Pokémon 4/5, because, for a basic Pokémon, this one can handle some beating and I believe it would have a fair chance against a lot of different Pokémon. The only reason why it's not a 5/5 is because of its attacks. It needs some more power to become a full 5 star Pokémon ;)
A bit about the artwork:
It's easy to tell the difference between the Pokémon from the old sets and these from the newer ones. These are much more detailed, and the Pokémon seem to be "in action" or "in movement". This little blue bear (yes, I think it looks a little like a teddy bear..) looks like it's standing in a cave with the ocean and mountains behind it. I like the small glittering stars which maybe, just maybe, refers to the Icy Snow attack that Cubchoo has. It could be stars, it could be Icy Snow - I guess we'll never now. And that rhymed, which is probably my cue to start saying goodbye, before this evolves any further!
Next Card Review:
Next time I'll review the Team Plasma Magnezone from the Plasma Storm set, which I'm looking very much forward to! That's the first review of a rare card from one of the newer sets. I hope to see you there.. Naah, just kidding, I can't see any of you! Or can I..?
Pokémon Code Card Giveaway!
Yay! This is the first time I have the chance to give something away in here, and I hope that whoever redeem the code card first, will enjoy the free online TCG booster pack :D So let's do it!
I choose you: Code Card!
Hope to see you again next time!!
PS. Don't forget my YouTube channel guys! :D
PS. Don't forget my YouTube channel guys! :D